Celebrate the 50th anniversary of “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood,” be inspired by a visit to the stage set of his pioneering television show on display at the History Center, and produce your own digital media in the galleries. READ MORE
A new play adapted from Sir Peter Ackroyd’s award-winning book and directed by Quantum Theatre founder Karla Boos, Chatterton spreads out in three dimensions, immersing its mobile audiences in the haunting spaces of Trinity Cathedral Pittsburgh.The experience begins with pre-show drinks in Pittsburgh’s oldest churchyard and includes a full intermission dinner by the celebrity chef of the week. READ MORE
Used by soldiers on the American frontier to keep gunpowder dry, powder horns also served as a blank canvas on which they could leave their mark READ MORE
Featuring a selection of vibrant tin quilts by Pittsburgh artist Kim Fox, "Handwork" recognizes the influence, the patterns and the landscapes of Pennsylvania. READ MORE
Yoga in the Square is a free, one-hour yoga program hosted on Sundays and Wednesdays and provided by the Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership and Whirl Magazine. READ MORE