
Arts + Culture,

Green City Remix Opening Celebration

May 22, 2017 - May 22, 2017 | 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Heinz History Center
1212 Smallman Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Celebrate the first youth-designed exhibit at the Senator John Heinz History Center.

The Opening Celebration will showcase an art installation crafted by cohorts of high school learners from seven area schools. The students spent several months exploring the 1940s Smoke Control Campaign, current air quality concerns, and social change strategies. The installation will feature archival sources remixed by the students to make a statement about change and the future of Pittsburgh.

Green City Remix is a new learning experience designed by Green Building Alliance and the History Center. Beginning in January 2017, the experience interweaves historical research, social change, and design.

Through this experience, learners will improve their historical thinking skills, build their critical understanding of change, and creatively visualize their learning with hands-on making.

Celebrate the opening of the installation on Monday, May 22. Meet the student participants and learn more about the process they used as they designed, built, and installed the first youth-designed exhibit for the History Center.

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