

Henok Negash in Meant to Be

Aug 7, 2024 - Sep 1, 2024 | 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Liberty Magic
811 Liberty Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Many understand magic to be the art of mystery, but mystery does not stand alone; it comes with a qualifier. Is magic real? Let’s find out… There are many rooms in the house of mystery. There are rooms for perfect mysteries, powerful mysteries, comedic mysteries, and meaningful mysteries. Henok specializes in offering personalized mysteries; he is not looking for perfection but rather to forge a relationship and an understanding within the world of the incomprehensible.

While most of us do our best to manage the outcomes of our lives, there are many instances which are beyond our control. Unplanned chance encounters, events that cannot be predicted. In his show, Meant to Be, Henok will take you on a journey highlighting those instances which cannot be explained and leave you with the feeling of magic. Illusions that explore themes of dating, marriage, trust, journaling, and experiences with universal relatability will be explored in Henok’s deeply personal and interactive magic show.

While on stage, Henok is a magician, mentalist, humorist, but most importantly he is an entertainer. Henok took up magic at the tender age of 12. Since then, he has performed in 5 countries spanning from France to Thailand, entertaining corporations, private parties, and nightclubs including The Hollywood Magic Castle. What makes Henok unique is how he seamlessly adapts to whatever environment he is placed in. Simply put, Henok understands how to communicate and relate to people.

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