

General Assembly: The Unitarian Universalist Association's Annual Meeting

Jun 21, 2023 - Jun 25, 2023
David L. Lawrence Convention Center
1000 Fort Dusquene Boulevard
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

General Assembly 2023 will be a multiplatform event, with registration options for in-person and/or virtual participation. In-person registration includes access to events scheduled to take place in Pittsburgh, as well as everything available to virtual registrants. Full virtual registration includes access to the GA app, as well as all on-demand programming, live webinars, and live-streamed events.

In addition to business sessions (General Session), the General Assembly program offers workshops, lectures, and worship and witness opportunities during the five days of GA.

For five days each June, Unitarian Universalists come together to form the General Assembly community. During this dynamic and exciting time, relationships are formed within and across many identities, including age.

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