
Online & Virtual Events

American Association of Feline Practitioners Annual Conference

Oct 27, 2022 - Oct 30, 2022
David L. Lawrence Convention Center
1000 Fort Duquesne Blvd
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

The AAFP is excited to announce this year’s annual conference theme, Enriching Feline Care & the Veterinary Experience. When we think about being Cat Friendly, we often think of handling and interactions with cats, however much of Cat Friendly is about elevating the standard of medical and surgical care that cats receive. While the conference will cover aspects of the environment, interactions, techniques, and educating caregivers, it will also cover many medical topics. This enables even the most experienced participant to stay current and up-to-date on feline medicine topics. No matter what your role in the practice or your level of experience with cats, this will be a conference that allows everyone to increase their feline knowledge in order to continue to elevate the standard of care for cats.

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