

Elias Khori Live at Revel

Jun 16, 2022 - Jun 16, 2022 | 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
242 Forbes Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Elias Khouri Live at Revel – Elias is a Pittsburgh born and raised guitarist, who is making strides at becoming a popular figure in the Pittsburgh music scene.

Elias started playing guitar when he was 13 years old, playing mostly air guitar to his dad’s record collection. His dad’s collection is comprised of nearly every genre. But Elias’ was into guitar, as the instrument that took front stage and that’s where Rock bands such as Led Zeppelin, Santana, Aerosmith, and The Eagles became his main focus. After acting out the part, he now wanted to be a Rock Star.  One summer day his dad heard him playing air guitar to Eddie Van Halen’s lead guitar and his dad made him a bet that he could never play it, the bet was $100. Elias practiced for 6 weeks straight day and night, playing the tune and imitating it, until he finally got it. He called his dad in the room and played it for him, earning his first $100. As time went by, he focused mainly on the music of the 70’s, the energy, the depth and the soul of that music gave Elias the drive to become more and more like his rock and roll idols. By 14 years old, Elias was already getting the attention of folk and rock and roll local musicians, by attending and performing at the area’s open mic sessions. But it wasn’t very easy at first, here comes this kid with a afro and a guitar, ha ha ha…yeah, he was the new kid in town and he did not look like everyone else and he could tell that they did not take him seriously. Until, he got up on stage and he started playing and all you heard were screams and cheers and loud ongoing applause. They heard the sound of his guitar and they watched the energy and intensity of each note as he played and immediately this doubt was replaced with instant respect. By 15 years old, Elias started exploring other styles of music, exploring Soul and R&B groups from the late 60s and early 70s, but still staying true to his original style, Rock & Roll, as he started playing steady gigs and shows at local venues.

As more and more people began to accept this new kid, it gave him the confidence to go out there and become what he always dreamed he could be, and by doing this he realized something important, he is making a difference. This difference may be small to some, but the small ones are important, especially when younger kids come up to him and say, how do you do that, I want to play just like you, this is the change that he brings, this is the hope that he brings, this is the joy that he brings. At the High School that Elias attends he tries to be as much an inspiration to other aspiring musicians as he can. He helps others realize that they too can do it, just put in the time and the effort and the reward is there. Also keeping grounded is important to him. It’s not about making yourself seem pretentious, everyone wants to be a star, but it comes down to your attitude and how you are perceived and how down to earth you can remain through it all.  On social media, Elias has had friends comment that he is the best guitarist they know, and his reply is thanks, I am the best guitarist on my block, lol. His philosophy is that, he not trying to be the best, he does it because he loves to play and if playing can bring him happiness, then that is all he needs. As far as changing perceptions as an African American Rock & Roll artist, his views are that he cannot change the world, he can only be a part of it and be that change.

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