
Arts + Culture,
Online & Virtual Events

Pittsburgh Jazz: Home of the Innovators

Jan 17, 2022 - Jan 17, 2022 | 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Virtual Event by Doors Open Pittsburgh

The Pittsburgh jazz community has fostered diversity across sectarian lines of race, gender, age and socioeconomic factors for decades.  Learn about the depth of the jazz scene of the 60s through the present with highlights from the erstwhile Crawford Grill #2.  Dive into how mentorship was the most effective way to learn the complete language of jazz, with a focus on lessons in life–not just didactic skills.

Follow storyteller Dr. Nelson Harrison through this journey of how jazz is unlimited creativity, and a natural sequel to true training.  Follow the journey of jazz as the only art form officially designated as a National Treasure and learn how the journalist labeling of styles of music is anathema to a true jazz musician who has the ability to play all music.

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