
Arts + Culture,

WORKSHOP: Play'n on the Mainstage

Apr 11, 2019 - Apr 11, 2019 | 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Arcade Comedy Theater
943 Liberty Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Would you like to play on the Arcade downstairs theater and discover its secrets? Then join us for Play’n on the Mainstage. In this two hour workshop, participants identify challenges of the space and develop ways to use it to their advantage. Through active participation and audience observation, students will gain confidence and increase their enjoyment during performance. Although the focus is primarily on the creative use of our beautiful new stage, veteran improv teacher Kristy Nolen provides insightful and instructive improv notes throughout. Ready? Let’s Play… on the Mainstage!

About the Workshop
Must be 18 yrs or older and have taken at least Improv 102 (Previous performance on the downstairs theater is helpful)

Registration $12

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