
Arts + Culture

Italian Jews and World War II

Oct 29, 2017 - Oct 29, 2017 | 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Heinz History Center
1212 Smallman Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

As the Nazi Holocaust took the lives of six million Jews across Europe, a different story played out in Italy. According to most estimates, around 80% of Italy’s Jews survived the war. What accounts for the Jewish survival rate in Fascist Italy? In her lecture, Rabbi Barbara Aiello discusses the experience of Italian Jews during World War II, focusing on the southern region of Calabria, where she serves as Rabbi of Congregation Ner Tamid del Sud. Calabria was home to Italy’s largest concentration camp, Ferramonti, where 4,000 Jews were interned. Extraordinarily, only four Jews perished in Ferramonti, killed in an Allied bombing raid. Rabbi Barbara will share stories of the Calabrian villagers and other Italians who protected their Jewish neighbors at great personal risk. Light refreshments will be served. Kosher dietary laws will be observed. Admission to this program is $20 for general admission and is free for History Center members. University of Pittsburgh students receive free admission with their Pitt student ID. If you are attending both the Saturday program and the accompanying Saturday The Story of the Hidden Jews of Southern Italy program, admission is $25. Please register online.

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