Celebrate Christmas with misfit comedians as they make jokes and play drinking games during the movie that taught us people will only like you if you’re useful to them *Add your own jokes in the chat for the entire audience to see!
You will be emailed the free link for the stream when you submit for a ticket here: https://www.frontrowfilmroast.com/subscribe
This roast is in partnership with the 'MSTie Christmas in Quarantine' event. Come to the show early to chat with others about the movie. Please share the link with any friends you'd like to join you for the show:
The show will be aired over VIMEO and TWITCH simultaneously (No log-in required) though we recommend Twitch since it has more chat options: twitch.tv/filmroast
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Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership
The Bank Tower
307 Fourth Avenue – Floor 2
Pittsburgh, PA 15222