

Be Digital Summit

Sep 21, 2017 - Sep 21, 2017 | 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Energy Innovation Center
1435 Bedford Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Sheila Scarborough and Leslie McLellan from Tourism Currents are this year's keynote speakers. Their unique training model ensures that every session is focused on the tourism industry. Look forward to learning an impressive wealth of information about the large role social media plays in destination marketing for both tourism organizations and small businesses. Sheila and Leslie will demonstrate how tools, platforms, and strategies apply to your organization's digital marketing plan.

Engaging Topics and Speakers

We're focused on providing a fast-paced full day of education on topics that matter to you. Various local experts will lead relevant and engaging sessions on all things digital marketing. Topics include:

  • Instagram for business
  • Building valuable content
  • Connecting your overall marketing strategy with focused social content
  • Future of digital marketing platforms and tactic

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