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“Greedy Pigeons” take over Market Square

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Since the 2010 redesign and modernization of Downtown Pittsburgh’s historic Market Square, the Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership has stewarded the space with activations, events, and public art.

As part of that work, the PDP has curated light pole banners throughout the square, branding the space while inserting vibrant visuals into the public realm. Starting in 2016, the PDP focused these banners to feature local artists, inserting their own style and point of view into the designs. These artistic banners kicked off with David Pohl’s “Meet Me in Market Square” series. Now in 2022, the PDP is embarking once again on engaging local illustrator Josie Norton to design new light pole banners for Market Square.

The images chosen by Josie should be somewhat familiar to Downtown residents and visitors alike–Pigeons! In her special, stylized way, Josie has made a colorful and whimsical statement with these ubiquitous Downtown bird residents by rendering them in flight, carrying everyday objects to and fro in the skies above the square–including the actual letters denoting the name of “Market Square”. It is intended to be endearing and welcoming to all visitors to the park…in a perhaps unexpected and quirky way.

The designs allow for a rotating combination and mix of alternating banners on the 16 light poles, creating a sense of exploration and uniqueness as the viewer walks throughout and experiences the square.

Learn more about Downtown’s Public Art.

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