

USEA Exhibits - ICW of Carbon Management Research Project Review Meeting 2023

Aug 28, 2023 - Aug 30, 2023
David L. Lawrence Convention Center
1000 Fort Dusquene Boulevard
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Join us for USEA's inaugural Carbon Management Technology Showcase (CMTS) to be held on Aug 28-30 at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh, PA. Discover the latest technology developments in Point Source Capture, Carbon Dioxide Removal, Carbon Conversion, and Carbon Transport & Storage. CMTS showcases the most advanced technologies to help you reduce emissions and manage your carbon footprint.

CMTS will be co-located with the 2023 FECM / NETL Carbon Management Research Project Review Meeting.  This meeting will provide attendees with a chance to share in the knowledge and insights gained by more than 150 Department of Energy-sponsored research and development (R&D) projects from the following Office of Fossil Energy & Carbon Management R&D programs.  In addition to the project researchers, participants may include employees of other government agencies, electric utilities, research organizations, and industry.

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