Jason Kendall Productions Presents the Seventh Annual Holiday Show "Good Golly, Be Jolly!" at the Greer Cabaret Theater featuring Jason Kendall and his band and a variety of Pittsburgh's finest musicians and performers including Joel Lindsey, Judy Figel, Artistree, Cherylann Hawk, John Parrendo, John McCann, Casey Deely, and many more. A portion of the proceeds from this show benefit the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank. During this special time of year, this musical celebration is sure to ignite your holiday spirit!
Must be 21 and over to attend. Ticket price includes complimentary appetizers before show, starting at 6:15 PM when doors open. Show time is 7:00 PM.
Price: $50
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Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership
The Bank Tower
307 Fourth Avenue – Floor 2
Pittsburgh, PA 15222