Inspired by Adrienne Shelly’s beloved film, WAITRESS tells the story of Jenna – a waitress and expert pie maker, Jenna dreams of a way out of her small town and loveless marriage. A baking contest in a nearby county and the town’s new doctor may offer her a chance at a fresh start, while her fellow waitresses offer their own recipes for happiness. But Jenna must summon the strength and courage to rebuild her own life. READ MORE
Attend the largest gathering of licensed craft spirits producers in the U.S. and help the American Craft Spirits Association celebrate during its 5th Annual Distillers Convention and Vendor Trade Show. READ MORE
Suddenly it’s Spring! Shop the region’s Most Trusted Marketplace – Over 10 acres with EVERYTHING for your home! More than 1800 exhibits will fill the Pittsburgh Convention Center Downtown. READ MORE
Join the Pittsburgh Renaissance Hotel as they feature a cooking demonstration series each Tuesday called “Discover Chef Saxon”. Chef Nick Saxon, executive chef of the Pittsburgh Renaissance Hotel and Braddock’s Pittsburgh Brasserie which is located inside the historic hotel, will prepare a meal and beverage each week. READ MORE