
0041_20160916_Rosensteel_0130The PDP pursues transportation initiatives related to providing Pittsburghers with transportation choices other than cars and ones that ease traffic congestion. These initiatives take the form of programming that is made available to the public or is project-specific or is a collaborative project. The PDP’s role is to represent the interests of the Downtown business community and other Downtown stakeholders. The following are some initiatives underway:

Bicycling Initiatives
The PDP works with the biking community to improve bike infrastructure and options in Downtown. The PDP and Bike Pittsburgh worked together to design, manufacture and install the signature Three Rivers bike racks that can be seen throughout Downtown. The PDP is working with the Bike Share program to identify locations for bike stations and worked with City Planning and Downtown Stakeholders on the implementation of the Downtown’s first bike lane on Penn Avenue.

One issue that resonates with visitors and newcomers to Pittsburgh is the lack of a complete and attractive wayfinding system. The PDP is currently collaborating with stakeholders from the North Side/North Shore, Oakland, Downtown, and the City of Pittsburgh to develop and implement a wayfinding system for all three neighborhoods that could serve as a template for other city neighborhoods.

Downtown Intersection Study
When you think of Downtown, you think of a network of interwoven streets and lots of pedestrians. One current PDP initiative is looking at traffic volumes, bus stop volumes and fatalities on our Downtown streets to assess if the problem is the built environment of the intersection or is it a problem that educating pedestrians might resolve.

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