Downtown Pittsburgh Business Improvement District

What is a BID?

A Business Improvement District (BID) is a model for management of a municipality’s commercial district.  It is authorized by state law and provides a mechanism for the businesses and property owners of a community to organize as a single entity, to raise funds for activities that enhance or expand upon municipal services.  

By providing a clean, safe, attractive business district that meets the needs of residents, customers, owners, and employees, the Business Improvement District promotes Downtown Pittsburgh as a desirable location to visit and invest.

The BID will:

  • Through our Clean and Street Teams, help keep Downtown’s sidewalks and streets free of litter and debris and complement the presence of the Pittsburgh Police
  • Establish and maintain communication with member businesses and property owners
  • Advertise and promote the Downtown Pittsburgh Business District, both locally and regionally
  • Apply for grant opportunities to expand services
  • Through Transportation initiatives, improve access to and around Downtown for motorists, transit riders, bicyclists, and pedestrians

What is the BID tax?

In 1997, the BID was established under a five-year sunset clause approved by Pittsburgh City Council.  Through the BID, property owners within the Golden Triangle are assessed to pay for services, provided by the Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership, that directly benefit Downtown such as cleaning, outreach, marketing, economic development, and transportation initiatives.  The BID is renewed every five years by the Pittsburgh City Council. It was last renewed in 2024, expiring in 2029.

How is the BID assessment calculated?

For information on the calculation of BID assessments, download the BID Assessment and Calculation worksheet (PDF).

For any additional questions, you can contact Leah Baldwin, Vice President of Operations & Finance, at 412-566-4190 or

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