Where is Downtown Pittsburgh heading? How can the Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership be prepared to meet the rapidly changing landscape of our city? In 2017, the PDP undertook a stakeholder engagement process to better understand the challenges and obstacles facing Downtown and to chart a course to address these issues, head on.
We hosted focus groups that included representatives from the PDP staff, board, business owners, property owners, residents, employees, and partner organizations. We spoke with civic leaders, from the offices of the Mayor and the County Executive and department heads from City Planning, Mobility and Infrastructure, and Public Works. Through numerous conversations and surveys we created an interactive process where stakeholders were asked to focus on thematic areas relating to quality of life, economic development, transportation and marketing focused around three guiding questions:
Through these conversations, we heard what you love, why you love it and what you want to see changed. With your support, the PDP already has many efforts underway to support the continued growth and development of Downtown.
Click here to read the full Stakeholder Engagement Report (PDF).