The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust is proud to present this very special performance of WICKED.
The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust is committed to make theatre accessible to children and adults on the autism spectrum, and their families. To create an autism-friendly setting, the shows are performed in a friendly, supportive environment for an audience of families and friends with children or adults who are diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder or other sensitivity issues. For these special performances, the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust purchases every seat in the theatre for sale at discount prices exclusively to families, groups, organizations and schools whose members include individuals on the autism spectrum. Pittsburgh will be the first city outside of New York to offer WICKED in this form.
Slight adjustments to the production will include reduction of any jarring sounds or strobe lights. You will enjoy a Broadway theater experience in a judgement free environment. Staffed quiet and play areas will be open in the lobby before and during the performance. Specially trained volunteers will provide audience support.
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Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership
The Bank Tower
307 Fourth Avenue – Floor 2
Pittsburgh, PA 15222