The August Wilson African American Cultural Center presents its first Hip-Hop Camp that be in four parts and will include, the art of songwriting and creation, dj’ing, graffiti art, and breakdancing! READ MORE
The extraordinary Pinchas Zukerman—violinist, violist, conductor—both leads and performs with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra in a program that spans the centuries. READ MORE
#notwhite collective's landmark exhibition, WE ARE THE GLOBAL MAJORITY DECOLONIZING SPACE features 30 women artists of the global majority who identify as bi/multi-racial/cultural, immigrant or descendants of immigrants. READ MORE
"Rising Voices: The Bennett Prize for Women Figurative Realist Painters" features 29 works by 10 women artists presenting a vibrant array of subjects and themes. READ MORE
We've combined two of our favorite cruises into one fantastic Pittsburgh dining & sightseeing cruise fun for the entire family! Enjoy our world famous BBQ, narrated passage through a Lock & Dam, music, and the beautiful sights of the three rivers! READ MORE
Presented by Green Mountain Energy, the rain-or-shine market offers regionally-grown produce, organic products, and small-batch foods from a variety of vendors each week, serving Downtown’s workers, residents, visitors, and more. READ MORE
Experience the spookiest of Pittsburgh’s Downtown! Get to see outstanding historic landmarks (often beautifully lit up in the darker and colder months) during the quiet evening hours and learn about their history and which spirits lurk in them. READ MORE